Sunday, August 4, 2013

Thank you!

Oh, what a night!

Thank you to everyone who came out Friday night and visited me at Art City.  Especially my mama, who drove all the way over from Lewiston.  
To be so well received is a dream come true and spurs me on to create more.

With that said, I am out to the studio to work on orders.  

Oh, and my boys are rockin' it in Sydney with the Bitterroot Swim Team.  
I'm so proud of them and their super dad.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Getting ready for a little show at Art City. 
I love how it looks like my hands are moving in fast motion.  
Super speedy!

Finn took a bunch of pictures of me at work in my studio.  

Fun Special Orders

These were so fun to paint for two special little people.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Water, Earth, Air and Fire

Hello, hello!  I have some new work and a show coming up!

Dulcie Belanger
Water Earth Air and Fire
Ceramic sculpture

August 2nd, 2013  
Art City  
407 West Main 
Hamilton Montana

Water, Earth, Air and Fire appear in stories throughout time as a way for people to better understand their relationship to the natural world and the universe.  Modern conveniences have created a disconnect from these four elements and with my hands in clay I explore our human connection with these elements and our partnership in survival.

Hold Me
Stoneware 2013

Stoneware 2013

Marishan in Hand
Stoneware 2013

Marishan in Hand (detail)

Blue Moon
earthenware 2013

earthenware 2013

earthenware 2013

Growing up in Oregon near the river and currently living along the river in Montana, I have found peace in the natural world and the elements that sustain us.  I love clay and working with my hands.  Combining these loves I am able to delve into my ideas and form them into visual pieces that extend the tranquility and quiet of the natural world to the viewer, guiding them to a place beyond the extraneous bustle of modern life.
I am happy to have my hands in clay and putting my ideas into form.